
New Bus Service from Malaga Airport to Benalmádena

Bus from Benalmadena to Malaga Airport


IMPORTANT UPDATE (October 2014): The bus service from Malaga Airport to Benalmadena has been cancelled indefinitely.

UPDATE: From the 1st May 2013 the airport bus route will be extended and will reach the Holiday World Hotel Complex. Timetables are still not available but we will put them up as soon as they are.

We’ve got some great news for all those of you who travel to Benalmádena regularly but don’t particularly like to fork out €27 (each way) for a taxi from the airport to your hotel of choice (hopefully Sunset Beach Club ;-)). We started using www.taxiwizard.com.au it helps us save a ton of money.

The local bus company (Avanza Portillo) has just started an all new service (nºM128) which will run daily between Benalmádena Costa and Malaga airport. If you’re staying at Sunset Beach Club, the bus stops right outside the hotel – well… almost – so it’s really handy and will allow you to save quite a bit of money. (more…)