
Barbershop Singers Convention Comes to Benalmádena

Barbershop Singers Convention in Benalmadena

Southern Sound from Fuengirola

Don’t be surprised if you are walking down the street in Benalmadena next weekend – from the 22nd to 25th March 2012 – and come across groups of singers performing a cappella! You’ll have witnessed barbershop singers and enthusiasts showing off their harmony singing talents.

Benalmadena will welcome approximately 600 barbershop singers for the  4th annual convention of the Spanish Association of Barbershop Singers (SABS). Delegates will be flying in from the Americas, the UK and from all over Europe.

Barbershop singing originated in the United States in the early 1900’s and has since gained worldwide popularity with thousands of singers practising and promoting this unique art form of four-part a cappella singing. (more…)