
11 of the Best Tourist Attractions in Benalmádena (and surrounding area)


Map of The Best Tourist Attractions in Benalmádena  and surrounding area

Click on the map (above) to see the full interactive map

Benalmádena is a fantastic holiday destination for all types of traveller, especially families with children. 

Here at Sunset Beach Club we are constantly on the lookout for interesting information about our wonderful resort which we can then pass on to our guests to help them plan their holiday. That’s what this blog is all about… sharing useful information about Benalmadena and the Costa del Sol in general. 🙂

If you’re staying with us, you can always head up to the Leisure Desk located on the 6th floor of the hotel (next to the main entrance) and ask Susanna about the best tourist attractions in Benalmadena. If not, you can use this blog post as your very own guide to the best places to visit. (more…)

Cool Technique for Packing Luggage [Infographic]

I came across a really clever technique for packing luggage on www.visual.ly  (Infographics site) the other day. Luckily it had an embed link so I thought I’d add it below as it could come in handy for all of us who struggle when packing bags and luggage for a holiday or business trip.
Although the infographic is pretty self explanatory, I’ll include the main tips below. The example in the infographic is for a woman packing for a 10 day trip but I’m sure the concept can still be applied to guys 😉 (more…)