
New App to Detect Jellyfish Plagues on Costa del Sol Beaches

jellyfish appAnyone who has been to the Costa del Sol on holiday this summer will have had first hand experience with the jellyfish problem which has plagued our beaches during these warm months.

These annoying invertebrates have messed up many an afternoon on the beach for my family and I this summer! Each time we were forced to abandon our plans for a cool dip in the sea I thought to myself “Wouldn’t it be great if there were an App that let you know which beaches on the Costa del Sol are affected by plagues of Jellyfish?”

Well, it looks like next summer my wish will be granted 🙂 The provincial government and the Aula del Mar Foundation will join forces to develop a mobile application (App) which will allow users to know the location of jellyfish shoals along the coast.

Apparently this new app will be easy to use and will use geo-location to warn bathers as to the whereabouts of jellyfish shoals; this way, they’ll be able to choose a beach which isn’t affected by these slippery creatures. (more…)